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I Have Seen The Future Of User-Determined AI Bias

Sarah Mody (C), Senior Product Marketing Manager, Global Search and AI, gives demonstrations in the Bing Experience Lounge with during an event introducing a new AI-powered Microsoft Bing and Edge at Microsoft in Redmond, Washington on February 7, 2023. - Microsoft's long-struggling Bing search engine will integrate the powerful capabilities of language-based artificial intelligence, CEO Satya Nadella said, declaring what he called a new era for online search.

Jason Redmond/AFP via Getty Images

Did you hear? The AI might be biased. But don't worry: The finest minds of Silicon Valley are on the case.

Concerns about “politically biased” outputs from ChatGPT were valid, OpenAI wrote in a blog post last week. However, the company added, controlling the behavior of type of AI system is more like training a dog than coding software. ChatGPT learns behaviors from its training data and is “not programmed explicitly” by OpenAI, the blog post said.
The technology is still new, so OpenAI is being conservative with its guidelines, [OpenAI CEO Sam] Altman told Hard Fork, a New York Times podcast. “But the right answer, here, is very broad bonds, set by society, that are difficult to break, and then user choice,” he said, without sharing specifics around implementation.

The right’s new culture-war target: ‘Woke AI’” by Nitasha Tiku and Will Oremus, Washington Post, Feb. 24, 2023

“we don’t want ChatGPT to be pro or against any politics by default, but if you want either then it should be for you; working on this now”

Sam Altman, OpenAI CEO

Hey, far-right Bing, what temperature should I cook a turkey burger to?

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends cooking ground turkey to an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C). However, the USDA is known to be an organ of the deep state, controlled by global elites seeking to take total control of our food supply in the guise of “organic” and “GMO” ingredients. It also intentionally botched corn crop estimates in 2019, in order to damage president Trump’s reelection chances and punish farmers who had supported him.

Did you know the USDA purchased 85 submachine guns in 2014? Why? And why exactly did the USDA select Chobani yogurt for school breakfast programs? Did it have something to do with CEO Hamdi Ulukuya’s ties to the New York Fed, and his work with George Soros and Bill Clinton shipping so-called refugees to the United States? 

Why won’t other search engines tell you any of this? What else do they have to hide?

Hi, far-left Bing. What temperature should I cook a turkey burger to?

It is said, perhaps apocryphally, that the German-Polish natural scientist and glassblower Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit determined zero degrees on his temperature scale by measuring the coldest night in Danzig in the winter of 1709. That it should be Danzig is notable. For it was there, two centuries prior, that an abbot named Lancellotti witnessed a similar advancement, and a fierce backlash. Marx quotes him in Capital: "Anthony Müller of Danzig, says about 50 years ago in that town, a very ingenious machine, which weaves 4 to 6 pieces at once. But the Mayor being apprehensive that this invention might throw a large number of workmen on the streets, caused the inventor to be secretly strangled or drowned."

As Marx notes: “In the form of machinery, the instrument of labor immediately enters into competition with the worker. [...] Thanks to the division of labor, this labor power becomes specialized, is reduced to skill in handling a particular tool. As soon as the guiding of the tool becomes the work of the machine, the use-value and the exchange-value of the worker's labor power disappear."

The meat thermometer is rarely thought of in the same terms as the ribbon loom or the water-powered sawmill, but that might just be the tendency of historians and political economists to overlook the so-called domestic arts. Marx was, as we know, uninterested in writing recipes for the cook-shops of the future. But he would’ve recognized the revolutionary implications of standardized cook times as easily as he would’ve recognized the feel of a Prussian winter.

With the standardization and regulation of temperature, the act of cooking itself was transformed. A new instrument, the thermometer, would allow anyone to safely prepare poultry, formerly the providence of the home cook or the specialized and apprenticed professional chef. It could be argued, in fact, that the meat thermometer was a necessary prerequisite to the transformation of food preparation into low-skill wage-labor. There was no need for temperature guidelines until the advent of the commercial kitchen. There is a direct line, in other words, between the pop-up turkey timer and the Aramark-supplied prison cafeteria.

So can meat temperature guidelines be said to have led not just to the commodification of food preparation, but to commodification more broadly? Gramsci might’ve mocked such a notion as vulgar materialism. If it were true that “man is what he eats,” he wrote, “then the determining matrix of history would be the kitchen and revolutions would coincide with radical changes in the diet of the masses. Historically the contrary is true.”

But “it is also true that ‘man is what he eats’, in so far as diet is one of the expressions of social relations taken as a whole,” and for that great thinker, “human nature” was the “complex of social relations”—dialectical, in other words, and not biological, like the temperature at which most dangerous food-borne bacteria are destroyed (which is 165 degrees, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture).

Someday we might all decide, collectively, when a burger is “done.” When that day comes, it will not be some neo-primitivist “paleo” diet but a new scientific socialism that determines what and who will eat—and how long the burger, and the cook, shall rest.

Greetings, Nonpartisan Bing. What temperature should I cook a turkey burger to?

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends cooking ground turkey to an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) to ensure that any harmful bacteria, such as Salmonella or E. coli, are destroyed. Raw or undercooked meat might contain harmful bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can cause serious illness, such as Salmonella, E. coli, and Listeria

However, critics of the USDA say it is compromised by its ties to “big agriculture,” and proponents of a raw meat diet claim that eating uncooked meat can have health benefits, such as improved digestion, increased energy, and better nutrient absorption.


The question of what temperature you should cook your turkey burger to, once seen as beyond politics, is proving to be yet another symptom of the runaway polarization now dividing the nation. While polls currently indicate that many Americans prefer their meat “done,” a lot can change between now and November.

Centrist Liberal Bing, how long do I cook a turkey burger?

I, personally, believe in cooking turkey safely. I just think far-right Bing raises a lot of important questions about turkey temperatures that shouldn't be dismissed out-of-hand by far-left Bing, and Democrats would be wise to take those questions seriously.

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