We've done some long-ass poems. We've done some slim novels. Defector Reads A Book now takes its talents to a new literary form: the play. That's right. Wouldn't you love to be watching a play again, some day? Don't you miss the intimacy of the theatre, the hushed buzz in the air? I promise that reading this book and booting up your computer to converse with us and miscellaneous lawyers in the comments is the next best thing. And really, time cannot be your excuse not to join us this month, given how much blank space there is on every page. Reading a play is basically reading a chat transcript. I'm told you like those.
Also, there's a sports angle this time around! The next DRAB selection is Fences, the 1985 classic by August Wilson, which centers on some topics of keen potential interest to the Defector readership: thwarted athletic careers and the brutality of mid-century race relations. You might also recall the 2016 film adaptation directed by and starring Denzel Washington, which could make for a nice supplement to your reading. As with our last pick, The Great Gatsby, I enjoyed this book in high school and look forward to revisiting it with older, tireder eyes.

Your next task is to go get the book, ideally without enriching Jeff Bezos—try an independent bookstore, your local library or Bookshop.org. You will then read the book, think about the book, and then visit Defector.com on the afternoon of Thursday, April 1 to check out our discussion and present to us your invaluable nuggets of insight. No, this is not an April Fool's prank with depressingly low upshot; we will actually be there to discuss. Throw that date in your calendar. Sometime between now and then, Pal-level subscribers will get a reminder in The Cipher, the world-renowned daily newsletter.
Thank you all for the vigorous Gatsby chat. Any and all feedback for DRAB can go to straight to giri@defector.com, old sport.