While the disarmingly affable and swole Daniel Radcliffe was kind enough to read aloud some of this year's worst tweets for Defector when we launched in September, he could only get through so many. There were plenty more worth reliving and experiencing in the same way you smell a carton of expired milk in the fridge then choose to sniff it again.
Below is a non-exhaustive list of the rest of 2020's worst tweets, each one terrible and bizarre in its own way. (You can find 2019's list here.)
Lots of NFL people —who read they should be fired for not drafting Lamar Jaxkson earlier— are having a second cocktail tonight. Maybe a third.
— Colin Cowherd (@ColinCowherd) January 12, 2020
We share our condolences with our licensing partner #Nickelodeon. We are saddened here at the restaurant and proven difficult to work given this death tragedy of #Kobe and his young daughter. We are heartbroken! https://t.co/NOdS7Py9cl
— GarfieldEATS (@GarfieldEATSco) January 26, 2020
Chicago @Cubs will protect fans too stupid or sluggish to avoid foul balls by extending nets https://t.co/IdtSji0QM4 pic.twitter.com/RZUaUYEZPi
— Kent Sterling (@KentSterling) January 28, 2020
I am proud to announce that I don’t know who’s in the Super Bowl tonight nor do I care to find out.
— Julia Ioffe (@juliaioffe) February 2, 2020
Many, many people have rightfully asked when I’m going to weigh in on the Astros scandal. I’m working on it. https://t.co/2ew84HHkEQ… pic.twitter.com/NlulT1ylvp
— Ben Reiter (@BenReiter) February 13, 2020
IDEA...whoever feels @realDonaldTrump should be impeached or AG Bill Barr should resign and it would be best for the country, why not you resign or impeach yourself and let's see how this country turns out! JUST A THOUGHT @MSNBC @FoxNews @CNN @DonaldJTrumpJr
— Herschel Walker (@HerschelWalker) February 19, 2020
"I believe the coronavirus is overrated and we are overreacting to it because it is a new and novel fear. The flu happens every year and affects far more people than the coronavirus does." -- @ClayTravis pic.twitter.com/T8fpehP91A
— OutKick (@Outkick) February 25, 2020
It isn’t sexy and it isn’t fear porn, but we’re all going to be fine. Fear of the coronavirus is far more of a threat than the actual coronavirus. Wash your hands, vampire sneeze and chill out.
— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) March 11, 2020

It’s truly astounding how many coronavirus bros there are on social media who are rooting for the virus to triumph and refuse to accept any positive numbers at all. I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s wild.
— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) March 28, 2020
You can call me a Grandma killer. I’m not sacrificing my home, food on the table, all of our docs and dentists, every form of pleasure (museums, zoos, restaurants), all my kids’ teachers in order to make other people comfortable. If you want to stay locked down, do. I’m not.
— Bethany S. Mandel (@bethanyshondark) May 6, 2020
I feel terrible for the Akron athletes that are losing their sport and scholarship today as a result of our response to this virus.
— Joel Klatt (@joelklatt) May 14, 2020
Keep in mind these athletes are over 150X more likely to be murdered or commit suicide than die from Covid-19 according to @CDCgov data
As we listen to epidemiologists, it’s good to remember that the Titanic was built by experts, the Ark by amateurs.
— Matt Birk (@BirkMatt) May 20, 2020
You can pick only two … pic.twitter.com/nLVeeqI5S6
— The Ringer (@ringer) May 27, 2020
— NFL (@NFL) May 30, 2020
A serious proposal: Both the owners and the players should ask George W. Bush to take over as interim baseball commissioner. Whatever you think of his presidency, he was a great owner of the Rangers and supported Fay Vincent when the other owners ousted him.
— Walter Shapiro (@MrWalterShapiro) June 18, 2020
If you freaked out on @SeanPayton Gregg Williams @sfujita55 et al because of the alleged bounty scheme IN FOOTBALL, but you're not up in arms and apoplectic over Russia paying Taliban to kill US soldiers... I cannot f----- help you
— Michael Silver (@MikeSilver) July 2, 2020
It's insanely unfair that we've put our black employees in this situation https://t.co/uuc1ySTYJx
— PFTCommenter (@PFTCommenter) July 2, 2020
#BlackOutTuesday pic.twitter.com/HANYZN6BXN
— Washington Football Team (@WashingtonNFL) June 2, 2020
From a broader perspective, one thing multiple sources are saying to include in the final analysis on details still expected to emerge regarding the Washington NFL team, at some point, is the timeline of people departing, the contrasts between them, or what may unify them.
— IG: JosinaAnderson (@JosinaAnderson) July 16, 2020
There’s a segment of the NFL media that seems to be almost rooting for COVID to affect the season. They want it.
— Kyle Brandt (@KyleBrandt) July 27, 2020
They see the Marlins news and say, “Yep! Lots of luck, football!”
These are people who make their livings off football.
I don’t get it.
"And Here. We. Go." - The late Heath Ledger as The Joker in The Dark Knight, circa 2008 https://t.co/PcPE6BpyXp
— Jon Rothstein (@JonRothstein) August 13, 2020
If @realDonaldTrump comes from behind & beats reclusive @JoeBiden, 14-year old #BarronTrump is going to be the heartthrob for the next generation. I hear the still growing, already very tall kid loves basketball. Maybe he & #LeBron's son #Bronny can play some pickup & make peace.
— Geraldo Rivera (@GeraldoRivera) August 28, 2020
End racism. #ItTakesAllOfUs pic.twitter.com/IU4G626FvQ
— NFL (@NFL) September 10, 2020
Not one NFL player ran into the WTC on 911. Remember that. Cops did. pic.twitter.com/iT0k4h0vPZ
— brobert545 (@brobert545) September 11, 2020
Wow the lakers won the nba championship? How about a big parade in Communist China, Beijing. That’s where it belongs.
— Rudy W. Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) October 12, 2020
Would you rather be respected or liked?
— Tim Tebow (@TimTebow) October 16, 2020
Imagine if we didn’t have “Like” buttons, but instead, we had “Respect” buttons. Would you rather have 110 Likes or 34 Respects?
For everybody who promised to leave the country if Trump won you can leave. For everybody else regardless of political affiliation let’s all work together to make the best of these next 4 years. pic.twitter.com/Phkx35gRhm
— Dave Portnoy (@stoolpresidente) November 4, 2020
Second day in a row an amber alert interrupts football in Chicago. I very much feel for the missing kid and his/her parents but shouldn't they put a photo of the kid and the suspect/vehicle on the screen if it's gonna be in any way helpful? Yesterday it took like 5 minutes.
— Ryan Glasspiegel (@sportsrapport) November 17, 2020
309,000 Americans dead. Thanksgiving this year was ThanksGRAVING.
— Stephen King (@StephenKing) December 17, 2020
You know how sometimes people give up first-class airplane seats to military folks sitting in coach? One of these garbage bowl teams should offer its spot to Army, if the Cadets want it.
— Pat Forde (@ByPatForde) December 20, 2020
Even after months of experience with Aubrey Huff, I still get taken aback by Baseball Twitter Main Characters becoming Actual Twitter Main Characters pic.twitter.com/iyQKoQZqjB
— Emma Baccellieri (@emmabaccellieri) December 28, 2020
Kobe’s numbers — 8 + 24 = 32.
— Darren Rovell (@darrenrovell) October 28, 2020
Dodgers World Series Drought —
2020-1988 = 32.
Magic Johnson’s Number? 32.
The NFL made the bet that Covid-19 would be somewhat stabilized by the time the season started.
— Darren Rovell (@darrenrovell) September 10, 2020
They won that bet.
This moron is not even on twitter. So he didn’t like a one of my tweets from 2018 and now this year and he’s not even on twitter. Dope! Daniel Radcliffe Reads The Worst Tweets Of 2020 Daniel Radcliffe Reads The Worst Tweets Of 2020 https://t.co/gqPap4A2tE
— Howard Eskin (@howardeskin) September 10, 2020