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Defector Up All Night

You Must Know The Popcorn Trick

Goldie Hawn eating popcorn in movie theater in a scene from the film 'Foul Play', 1978.
Paramount/Getty Images

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I thought everyone knew The Popcorn Trick. But it has recently come to my attention that some people were unaware of The Popcorn Trick. Thus, I will explain The Popcorn Trick.

1. Acquire popcorn at a movie theater.

2. Acquire a straw.

3. Stick the straw in the popcorn.

4. Go to the self-serve butter machine

5. Position the popcorn so the butter from the machine enters the straw.

6. Keep that popcorn butter button pressed for as long as you want. Move the straw up and down a little if you feel like it.

7. Enjoy a bag of popcorn that will not be dry. The pieces at the bottom of the bag will be buttery as hell.

Of course, The Popcorn Trick only works at theaters with self-serve butter machines, which favors multiplexes more than indie joints. If you are reading this and have any power whatsoever at Film Forum: Please invest in one of these.

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