Thanks to those of you who joined us to talk The Castle this month. It brings a tear to my eye that you're all posting excerpts of Franz Kafka's diaries and Sebald quotes in the comment section of the same website that brings you GunkWatch. That's what this is all about. This month, DRAB will be shaking up our genre selection once again by spending some time with the cool, classic hardboiled mystery stylings of Raymond Chandler. We'll be reading The Big Sleep, the first of his novels starring tough and upstanding private detective Philip Marlowe. The original New York Times review called the novel " a study in depravity." I'm personally very excited to dig into an exciting, pulpy mystery, as someone who regrets that her mystery consumption has gone from something like 100 percent of her total reading to 0 percent in the span of 15 years.

As for book-obtaining methods, we recommend borrowing it from your beloved library, swinging by your local (perhaps recently re-opened?) independent bookstore, or placing an online order from After you're done reading, join us here on Thursday, August 5, to debrief in the comments. We’ll send a couple reminders in The Cipher, our daily newsletter for all Pal-and-up subscribers. Also, Kelsey is off next month, so Giri and I have recruited a special guest in her place! Be very excited!