As writers and bloggers, we all develop crutches or supports that we overrely on or use too often. One such tic or tendency is the use of two synonyms or words that mean the same thing in sequence or next to each other to underscore or emphasize a point or insight. The redundant style or mode can be a difficult and hard practice to shake or move past, as two words can punch-up or add some much needed pop or pizzazz to an otherwise staid or simple-seeming sentence. That's the theory or idea anyway, though it only works and functions if the two words or clauses are actually different or divergent from each other; more often and usually, the effect or result is a sentence and unit of writing that is obscurant and hazy.
This brings and delivers us to Josina Anderson, a perpetual mainstay in the candidate field of the Shams Charania Award For Excellence In Divulging Of Information Through Syntax Comprehended By Many. Anderson's written text work output is an infinite joy forever, and she was awarded the 2023 win for her news updates. The Defector staff was enjoying and liking Anderson's latest and newest unique news when Dave McKenna observationally noticed that she's the leading foremost practitioner and specialist of this way of writing and disseminating information.

The way to metabolize and break down an Anderson report or account, then, is to look and peer at her words and writing, find the innumerable, countless repetitions and overused words, then simply bisect them in half. Translated and interpreted in simple, plain vernacular language, that is:
Btw, the concerns [...] surrounding this had been raised [...] for many weeks. Some league sources were wondering [...] what’s the point of having rules [...] that oversee these roles [....]
True and honest to form and configuration, chief adjudicating Shamsy judge Giri Nathan pointed out that McKenna was himself committing the carrying out of an Andersonian tactical maneuver operation: Nathan observed and noticed this in 2023, two years ago. Hopefully, God willing, you have grasped and learned a fascinatingly interesting tutorial lesson about a malformed, crooked way of communicating and divulging information and news on online platforms, verbally and in writing.