Perhaps there is someone out there who follows Michigan baseball player Mitch Voit on Twitter without keeping close tabs on the junior's on-field exploits. It's fun to imagine this hypothetical person opening the app this morning and seeing the following message from Voit:
I would like to apologize for my actions on third base yesterday. I made an immature decision in the heat of the moment. The gesture I made does not reflect my character, the household I was raised in, or the block M that I represent in any kind of way. I take full responsibility for what I did, and I am truly sorry to all those who I have negatively impacted by doing this.
What the hell could that possibly be about, the inattentive Mitch Voit fan might ask themselves after reading such a somber apology. Well, here's what that's all about:
That's Voit (quite creatively) turning the third-base chalk into a celebratory line of cocaine after hitting a triple during Monday's game against USC. Frankly, this is not something Voit should be apologizing for. A sport in which celebrations are generally limited to bat flips and guys doing weird little gestures at their own dugout could use more creative boasting. Do it again, Mitch, and represent the block M by being a cool and funny guy.
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