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It’s Always Garbage Man Appreciation Week In Our Hearts

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Illustration by Tara Jacoby

Here’s a little two-question quiz for your Wednesday: What would you borrow? What would you lend? I think I’ll borrow tools. Maybe something big and unwieldy, but only if there is an established social protocol for making the inconvenience up to the owner, like using a pickup truck for the afternoon and filling the tank before I bring it back. I’ll lend books, but only if I care more about getting the other person to read the book than I do about getting my copy back. I don’t want to second-guess any of my relationships due to debt on either side. Basically, I avoid mess at all costs. So this week’s story—which involves a coworker forcing our friend-of-a-friend to borrow an heirloom Halloween costume—is a true nightmare wrapped in an obligation.

Our guest this week is none other than Alex Sujong Laughlin, Defector’s Supervising Producer and Normal Gossip’s co-creator! Kelsey finally coaxed Alex to the other side of the mic for a tale of two civic-minded girlbosses in the Department of Sanitation, a stolen cannoli and a Halloween costume.  

I took this opportunity to ask Alex a few questions:

Jae Towle Vieira: What was it like to be a guest? 

Alex Sujong Laughlin: You know, most people don’t know this, but we generally have a pretty robust pre-production routine we do to prepare guests to come onto the show. We usually do a pre-interview call and give them time to brainstorm what gossip stories they’d like to share on the show. This was a real loophole in our system though, having the person who manages pre-production go through the process! No one prepped me! Which makes sense but also means that I suddenly felt very nervous the night before the recording and then was like, “Who should have prepped me?” The answer is: me. It was a real lesson in self-reliance. 

How are you feeling about Season 7? 

I love this season! There are a couple stories/episodes this season that I think are all-timers. 

Has Kelsey ever stolen your lunch? 

No comment! 

When is borrowing something a good idea? 

I really want to live in a world where our concept of ownership is a bit looser within our communities; I think it would be so beautiful for a whole block to share one grill, you know? But I also think that if you lend something to someone, it is probably best for the relationship if you don’t have a strong attachment to getting the item back, or getting it back promptly. I make it clear in my episode though: I would not have borrowed the handmade Statue of Liberty costume with knitted torch and knitted crown. 

Apart from the handmade Statue of Liberty costume with knitted torch and knitted crown, what else would you consider to be a marvel of fiber arts?  

Oh man, let me dig through my Ravelry favorites … this Wild Rabbit stuffed animal by Claire Garland, the Honey Vest by Wool & Beyond, and the Frederic Blouse by Johanna Gehrisch. All of these make me go “heart eyes” emoji! 

How has Normal Gossip changed since the early days? 

Oh my god, it’s much more grown-up now. Season 1 was truly produced with vibes and a prayer. We also have so many more systems that we built as we went. And the team is so much bigger! I wish I could go back and tell 2022 Alex and Kelsey that they didn’t need to do it all by themselves! Every person who has joined the team has brought so much to the show and made it richer, funnier, and more delightful! 

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