Well! Defector Reads A Book took a bit of a hiatus due to we kept forgetting to pick a book and then I kept forgetting to write the post announcing the pick. But thank you to everyone who emailed or commented to ask about our dear, sweet reading program—it is heartwarming to know that if DRAB disappeared forever, it would be missed by many. In fact, forget what I said earlier. This was all just a test to see if you truly love us! You passed!
The book we are going to read this month is Kingsley Amis's Lucky Jim, and we will be discussing it on Thursday, June 9. I have not read any Kingsley Amis, so I am looking forward to this short and apparently very funny academic satire.

If you’re interested in participating in the discussion this month, we recommend looking for a copy at your local library, stopping by an independent bookstore, or heading over to Bookshop.org. (There, you’ll also find a list of previous Defector Reads A Book selections and some other staff favorites.)
Once again, that is Thursday, June 9 that we will be discussing. We’ll make sure to send out a reminder in The Cipher, the daily newsletter that goes out to all Pal-and-up subscribers. Happy reading!