Thanks to those of you who considered the oyster with us last week. I've never tried them, but M.F.K. Fisher's book and all your perceptive comments certainly make me curious.
Over the holidays, the Defector Reads A Book crew will be reading John le Carré's third Cold War spy novel, The Spy Who Came In From The Cold, which works well as a standalone novel for newcomers to his work. Le Carré died one year ago; his books are much-beloved for their rigor and subtlety, and cozying up with a good spy novel seems to us like a nice way to spend time this winter.

If you're interested in participating this month, we recommend looking for a copy at your local library, stopping by an independent bookstore, or heading over to Meet us back here at Defector on Tuesday, January 11 to discuss. We’ll make sure to send out a reminder in The Cipher, the daily newsletter that goes out to all Pal-and-up subscribers. (And to the commenter who mentioned accidentally reading a different book with the same title for the last DRAB, please check the names carefully this time!)